Julia UAR 2013
Today, I ventured even further outside my comfort zone on behalf of my fellow victims of rape.  I did so because of my belief that I’m lucky to have had my life spared by my abductor; preventing me from becoming another statistic.  
Sadly, too many of our children do not survive their attackers.  In my case, my gut told me to run, but my mind worried about the consequences of disobeying an adult.
I feel compelled to share my story in an effort to protect our kids.  I want adults to know it can be life-saving to verbally tell the children in their lives that it’s okay to disobey adults when their intuition warning siren is going off.
I also believe  I must “walk the walk” and not just “talk the talk” because my willingness to share my personal trauma might just save another child’s life. In this effort, I will not stay silent.  NEWYORICANGIRL
“Do one thing every day that scares you…” – Eleanor Roosevelt